• My name is Monica Leheny. This will be my 18th school year at Jeffrey Clark. I spent last year in first grade and am excited to be back in Beginners to this school year!



    I grew up in Gloucester Township with my mom, sister, grandmom, and great grandparents. I am married with one son, Justin. Justin is 8 and in third grade at Samuel Mickle School. We have two cats. Oreo is 3 and Peaches is 1. I have 9 Godchildren; 7 boys, 2 girls. I graduated from Rowan University with a BA in Education and a BA in Child Drama.



    Colors: Blue and Purple

    Candy: Anything chocolate!

    Animal: Cats

    Hobbies: Reading, Board Games, activities with my son

    Subject: Math

    Book: Harry Potter

    Vacation Place: Hawaii and Disney!