• Sample Scenario


    Susie Student is a 3rd grader at the Samuel Mickle School. She is having difficulty with reading fluency.  Her teacher is concerned because she is reading a grade level below according to her Fountas & Pinnell evaluation (a tool used to determine reading level). The teacher  begins working with Susie in a small group using various interventions to help increase Susie’s fluency. The teacher documents these strategies and outcomes for 6-8 weeks.

    Since Susie is still not making the necessary growth, Susie’s teacher decides after consulting with the Basic Skills teacher, to bring Susie to the Intervention and Referral Services team (I&RS) for additional strategies and interventions. Susie’s teacher will bring her documentation and some sample work to the meeting. She is invited to discuss the concern with the I&RS committee at a meeting scheduled during the school day. The teacher will describe the student, the challenge and identify both successful and unsuccessful strategies used. Alternate means of intervention and new approaches are suggested. A plan of action is developed for Susie which specifies the goals and strategies to be used to help build her reading fluency. It also includes the individuals responsible for each action. A timeline is established for implementing the plan and assessing its effectiveness. Susie’s teacher will then send a copy of the plan home and discuss it with Susie’s parents.


    Sample I&RS Plan


    Student Name: Susie Student

    Reason for referral: Susie has had difficulty reading grade level text fluently.

    Objective: To increase Susie’s reading fluency to grade level expectations measured by Fountas and Pinnell.

    Some sample interventions may be:

    • Partner reading
    • Repeated reading
    • Choral reading
    • Listening to passages-listen to the reading of a passage and then read it back fluently

    *These interventions are completed within the classroom 2-3 times a week for a duration of 5-10 minutes