    Please stay updated with the most recent news on our Class Dojo Page! Thanks for joining; I will post frequent updates about our instruction, social skills, and special events on there!
    Below is our specials schedule. We attend specials with Mrs. DiDonato and Mrs. Curtis's class:
    Day 1- Art, Spanish
    Day 2- Gym
    Day 3- Library, Technology
    Day 4- Gym
    Day 5- Music
    Within our classroom students will rotate through the room, alternating between whole group lessons, small group lessons, individual work sessions, hands on centers guided by staff, and independent work center. Work sessions are kept brief and range from approximately 15-20 minutes to maintain student engagement. We also have several movement and "brain breaks" throughout the day!
    Students follow a general class schedule as follows:
    • Arrival
    • Unpack & Morning Work
    • Morning Meeting
    • Small Group/Individual Rotations
    • Snack Time
    • Play Time/Social Skills
    • Whole Group Lesson
    • Small Group Rotations
    • Recess/Lunch
    • Specials
    • Rest Time
    • Whole Group Lesson
    • Small Group/Individual Rotations
    • Play Time/ Social Skills
    • Pack up
    • Dismissal
    General Education Classroom:
            -Students will join Mrs. Curtis/Mrs. DiDonato's class for recess, lunch, specials, assemblies, parties, field trips, etc.
            -Additional time to spend in there for social opportunities and/or academic lessons will be determined by the teachers